Prepare Your DBE Certification Application

To become DBE-Certified, you must prove ownership, meet size standards, show financial stability, and be a member of a socio-economically disadvantaged group. The application can seem long and complex, and it examines your business and personal finances. You will need to answer a series of questions, submit forms, and host a site inspection.

The following are cards for Prepare Your DBE Certification Application

Demonstrate Owner Disadvantaged Status
Your firm must show 51% ownership by members of a disadvantaged group.
Show that your Business is Independent and Financially Sound
You will need to provide all documentation relating to the legal incorporation and formation of your business, provide a history of any investment in your firm, and provide Federal tax returns for your business.
Demonstrate Business Capability
You can demonstrate business capability by submitting resumes, copies of required licenses, and by providing other information.
Describe Management Practices and List Employees
You will need to describe roles and responsibilities of owners and key personnel.